Sunday, June 10, 2007

^_^ Expectations ^_^

Wahhuu... I can't believe that I already have a Blog in Physics.. But.. It is stll UNDER RENOVATION..... Ok.. Ok.. So.. Every time classes resumes, we write expectations, comments about the subject and the teachers, etc. etc. etc. So I am here. for the first time to post this never ending expectations to my Blog.

Well, to start up.. My expectations to my Beloved Classmates...*Applause*

Of course, I expect that everyone of us will be nice, honest, responsible(especially the leaders) and kind enough to copy their assignments to us and to teach us some lessons that we didn't understand.. I hope that everyone would study hard and understand the lessons in Physics. Because according to my calculation... *Ahem.*.. Physics is not a easy subject... But if you would understand the concepts and the formulas, It is easy for you to cope up to the lessons..

Second.. My expectations to our teacher and the Subject...

I hope that learning Physics wouldn't be boring and every time we go to the classroom, together with Mr. Mendoza, our time wouldn't be spent with some nonsense. I also hope that he will be kind enough to allow us to eat and sleep in his class(Nyahaha.. Sir.. Pis tau).
For the first week, I've found Physics a fun subject and easy to understand. Especially the SOHCAHTOA and the VECTOR. I hope that all lessons in Physics would be fun and easy just like them. I also want to thank my new brother in Physics or I should call him the Scientific Calculator. ^_^
Ahmm. So that's all for now. Yes.. I'm finished with my expectations.. Haha..

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